
Kristi Sidney Annerstedt
Organization: Karolinska Institutet (KI)
Project Role: Principal Investigator and Coordinator
Bio: Kristi is an internationally renowned academic with extensive experience of management and participation in EU funded projects. Her main expertise lies in implementation science and economic analysis.

Claudia Hanson
Organisations: Karolinska Institutet (KI) and Aga Khan University (AKU)
Project Role: Researcher WP 2 and 3
Bio: Claudia is an epidemiologist and implementation scientist working in the last 35 years in global public health in diverse settings and positions. She has been leading and co-leading eight trials in LMIC.

Helle Mölsted Alvesson
Organisations: Karolinska Institutet (KI)
Project Role: Work Package 3 Lead and colleague
Bio: I have expertise in medical anthropology and global health. I am very interested in methods and in particular qualitative and participatory methods including co-design processes. I have designed and analyzed community nutrition projects through previous consultancy work.

Sibylle Herzig Van Wees
Organisations: Karolinska Institutet (KI)
Project Role: Researcher on WP 3
Bio: Sibylle is a global behavioural and implementation science researcher working with mixed methods. She has experience working with co-design projects in Nigeria, East Africa, and Sweden.

Elin Larsson
Organisations: Karolinska Institutet (KI)
Project Role: Researcher on WP 3
Bio: Elin is an associate professor and researcher in global and sexual and reproductive rights. Her research focuses on migrations and SRHR both in LMICs, and in Sweden and Europe. She has experience working on co-design projects.

Anna Kågesten
Organisations: Karolinska Institutet (KI)
Project Role: Support for WP 1 and Researcher on WP 3
Bio: Anna is an associate professor and researcher in global and sexual and reproductive rights. Her research focuses on the intersection between social and structural determinants of health, such as gender inequality and empowerment, with SRHR. She has strong experience in working with adolescents and youth to ensure that a holistic perspective is included in Changemaker.

Elisa Gobbo
Organisations: Karolinska Institutet (KI)
Project Role: Support for WP 1 and Researcher for WP3
Bio: Elisa is a research assistant at KI. She recently graduated from KI with a master’s in health economics, management, and policy. She has a keen interest in implementation science and health system strengthening.

Ina Danquah
Organisations: University of Bonn (UBO)
Project Role: WP 5 lead and coordination
Bio: I am a nutrition epidemiologist working on the interrelations of climate change and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa. As Hertz-Chair for Planetary Health, I run population-based projects to develop, implement, and test adaptation strategies and mitigation options.

Raissa Sorgho
Organisations: University of Bonn (UBO)
Project Role: Researcher on WP 5
Bio: A global health researcher with a focus on the the intersection of climate change and human health. Exploring the multiple pathways throughs which climate impacts health especially in LMIC.

Mary Mwanyika Sando
Organisations: Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH)
Project Role: Principal Investigator
Bio: Dr. Mary Mwanyika Sando is the chief executive officer of the Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania). She has extensive experience in the design and implementation of maternal, child health, and nutrition programs through her work with different institutions, including UNICEF and Management and Development for Health (MDH). At AAPH, Dr Mwanyika Sando is leading efforts to advance the implementation of scientific research, research training, and capacity building, as well as the translation of scientific evidence into policy and practice. Dr. Mwanyika Sando is advocate for the improvement of women’s health, including the promotion of dignified and respectful care during childbirth. She is an active member and the current president-elect of the Medical Women Association of Tanzania (MEWATA). Dr Mwanyika Sando completed her medical training at the University of Dar es Salaam and obtained her M.P.H. in global health and population at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (USA).

Amani Tinkasimile
Organisations: Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH)
Project Role: WP 7 lead and Team Member
Bio: Amani currently serves as Senior Manager for Strategic Partnerships and Programs at Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH) where he expands the organization’s network while forging and enhancing partnerships aimed at accelerating business development in research, training and practice through special collaborative programs with like-minded research, training, and funding entities locally and globally. Amani is skilled in administrating nonprofit organizations’ activities, corporate governance, social media management, and entrepreneurship. He is a strong patient-centered-care and personalized medicine advocate and aspires to spearhead accessibility of quality and affordable healthcare services on the African continent through evidence-based policy dialogues and spreading awareness about prevention and cure of diseases.

Mashavu Yussuf
Organisations: Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH)
Project Role: WP 3 Team Member
Bio: Epidemiologist working as a Senior Research and Programs Manager at the Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH). I have a background in dental surgery with experience in clinical management of patients and public health research. My areas of experience include proposal development; designing and implementing data collection; data management and analysis; report write-up and dissemination of research findings.

Innocent Yusufu
Organisations: Africa Academy for Public Health (AAPH)
Project Role: Researcher on WP 2,3,4 and 7
Bio: Innocent is a public health researcher with a background in clinical medicine. He has experience working on adolescent health issues such as nutrition, SRH, and mental health in Tanzania and within ARISE Network (Ghana, South Africa, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Uganda).

Sachin Shinde
Organisations: Harvard Global Research and Support Services, Inc. (Harvard)
Project Role: Researcher on Implementation science WP 6
Bio: Sachin earned a PhD in epidemiology and population health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He holds a Master of Public Administration in Health from New York University and a Master of Arts in Organizational Psychology from the University of Pune, India. He conducts research on health and health-related risks among adolescents in low- and middle-income countries, as well as on developing and evaluating innovative approaches to promote healthy behaviors and skills and prevent diseases and health risks. His research also investigates the effects of maternal nutrient supplementation on the short- and long-term health of mothers and children. Over the course of his career, Sachin has worked closely with state and national governments, national and international NGOs, funding agencies, grassroots groups, and a wide variety of stakeholders in India and sub-Saharan Africa.

Monica Margaret Oyanga Ojwang
Organisations: Department of Health (Kisumu County), DALF
Project Role: Researcher
Bio: Monica is a nutritionist with a BSc. Food nutrition and dietetic and a MSc. Community Nutrition and development. Currently pursing PhD. Public Health Nutrition. I am an adjunct lecturer at Uzima University. I have experience in nutrition programming and Surveys, Multi sectoral nutrition activities.

Joseph Ochieng’ Amoke
Organisations: Department of Health (Kisumu County), DALF
Project Role: Project coordination & Financial accountability
Bio: Joseph Amoke is a graduate with Masters in aquaculture from Flinders University, Australia and background in Natural Resources management. Has over 8 years of experience in implementation research, result based performance, innovation and Dissemination.

Susan Clare Adhiambo
Organisations: Department of Health (Kisumu County), DALF
Project Role: Researcher
Bio: An aquatic scientist, an extension officer, I have participated in implementation of different projects and programs including FAO, IFAD, EU, IMF among others.

Erick Abong’o Ogadho
Organisations: Department of Health (Kisumu County), DALF
Project Role: Livestock Production Specialist
Bio: Holds a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Value chain Management. I have expertise in value chain analysis and development and livestock production specialist.

Pilvikki Absetz
Organisations: Tampere University (TAU)
Project Role: PI at TAU
Bio: With my background in behavioural sciences, my research focus is on behavioural interventions to prevent and to manage non-communicable diseases and to promote health. During the past 20 years, I have studied implementation of interventions in the “real world”, in partnerships with health care, schools, and other community organizations in Finland and internationally, often in the Global South. I also actively work for capacity building in behaviour change and implementation, both in practice and in research.

Salla Atkins
Organisations: Tampere University (TAU)
Project Role: Co-investigator
Bio: Social scientist, with interest in health equity, and social determinants of health. Primarily uses mixed methods, expertise in qualitative (especially systematic and scoping reviews)

Alice Achieng Ojwang
Organisations: The Technical University of Kenya (TUK)
Project Role: PI-TUK (Co-design Intervention)
Bio: Alice Ojwang holds a PhD in Science with Dietetics from North-West University, South Africa. She has more than 20 years of experience working in Management, prevention ad control (MAPC) of obesity and related risk factors. She was instrumental in shaping the dietetic profession in Kenya. Alice is very passionate about dietary intake and health. With a Doctoral degree in Dietetics, her areas of research and health promotion focus include dietary intake in MAPC of Obesity, Hypertension, High Cholesterol and Type 2 Diabetes. She is Academic Team Lead at the Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi-Kenya. In addition, she is a Lecture, Practitioner, Researcher & Mentor. Currently using digital platform to impact the health of large populations in Kenya and across Africa. She is a sports fanatic and has a healthy active lifestyle, full of interesting hobbies and more. “Taking drugs without eating healthy is like washing hands and drying them in the dirt”, Anonymous

Judith Khamala Waswa
Organisations: The Technical University of Kenya (TUK)
Project Role: Researcher
Bio: Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Dr. Judith Waswa, PhD, has over 10 years’ experience in nutrition , nutrition sensitive food systems, maternal and child nutrition research; dietary research; food and nutrition field assessments and data analysis; nutritious food value chain analysis and development; public health behavior change promotion, nutrition policy and governance; participatory institution capacity assessments for improved nutrition, nutrition lobbying and advocacy, capacity building in nutrition, food systems, food safety, gender equity and mainstreaming and dietetics. I have been involved in research and published 15 articles in peer reviewed journals, I have further presented 8 papers in in local and international conferences. I have supervised more than 20 undergraduate and 7 post graduate student five of whom are PhD students. I have successfully served as chairman of department of nutrition for a period of five years. I am a founder of an NGO that conducts research and outreach in adolescent health. I am a beneficiary of the Supporting Women in Science fellowship of 2023 by Institute of Global Health and Development. I was part of the team that developed the National Agri-Nutrition manual for Kenya. I have further participated in the development of teachers guide for nutrition to be used by teachers in Kenya. I am a resource person for the Commission for University Education of Kenya, a body that regulates quality in university education in Kenya. I am also a member of the technical committee of food labeling where we review and approve standards on food labeling. I have been able to attend an international short course on Nutrition in a changing global environment at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem in Israel in 2017. I was selected as a resource person to give a lecture to international students on Semester at Sea programme on their voyage in Kenya for two cohorts one in December 2022 and another in January 2023. I have presented papers in international conferences in Kenya and Rwanda. I have also attended a five-day conference on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) at Glasgow University in March 2023.

Loyce Joyce Anyango Owiti
Organisations: The Technical University of Kenya (TUK)
Project Role: Coordinating, codesign, and Implementation
Bio: Registered dietitian and a lecturer at Technical University of Kenya. Specializes in promoting healthy eating and behaviour change through personalized dietary plans. My expertise is in promoting behavior change specifically focusing on sustainable nutrition.

Ali Siè
Organisations: The Centre de Recherche en Santé de Nouna (CRSN)
Project Role: Co-PI
Bio: Dr Ali Sié, MD, PhD is an epidemiologist, senior scientist and currently the Technical Director and team leader on disease control at the Nouna Health Research Centre (CRSN), one of the main research centres of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Burkina Faso. He is an international expert in public health/epidemiology with over 20 years’ experience. His expertise covers health systems research, infectious disease epidemiology and the evaluation of health projects and programs. He is/has been principal investigator of several research projects and has authored/coauthored over 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He serves in numerous scientific and management boards and has a long-standing collaboration with partners in the South and North.

Mariam Seynou
Organisations: The Centre de Recherche en Santé de Nouna (CRSN)
Project Role: Field Coordination
Bio: Mariam is a medical doctor and demographer, research associate at Nouna health research center (CRSN), Burkina Faso and PhD candidate in epidemiology at the Heidelberg Institute for Global Health (HIGH), Germany. Her research focuses on epidemiology, communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and sexual and reproductive health in Burkina Faso.

Erick M O Muok
Organisations: Kenya Medical Research Institute Kisumu (KEMRI)
Project Role: Principal Investigator for KEMRI
Bio: Experienced researcher and public health manager. Immunology of parasitic Diseases with current interest in Nutrition.

Majorie Umara
Organisations: Kenya Medical Research Institute Kisumu (KEMRI)
Project Role: Regulatory Officer
Bio: Mrs. Marjorie Umara is a Regulatory and Quality Assurance Officer at the Kenya Medical Research Institute, in Kisumu, western Kenya. Trained in Information Technology graduated from Greatlakes University of Kisumu with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in 2015, and most recently a trained Clinical Research Associate. I joined KEMRI in 2007; I have served in three projects as a Quality Assurance and regulatory affairs officer. I am responsible for overseeing staff compliance with protocol and local regulations, staff training on GCP, identifying project-specific issues with safety reporting, and bringing these issues to the attention of the project lead.

Richard Omore Onyando
Organisations: Kenya Medical Research Institute Kisumu (KEMRI)
Project Role: Co-investigator
Bio: Kenyan Principal Research Officer currently working at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), based at the Centre for Global Health Research (CGHR) in Kisumu, Kenya. On this position I provide technical support to staff working in a number of country-wide research projects supported by KEMRI in collaboration with the The Kenya Ministry of Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Center for Vaccine development (CVD) in Baltimore, Maryland MD, USA, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Health Organization (WHO), Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiatives (GAVI), US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among other collaborative institutions. I also serve as the KEMRI lead scientist in the Family Health Unit within KEMRI. My current research focus is on the epidemiology and the burden of infectious and non-infectious diseases with bias to vaccine preventable diseases including their interaction with maternal-child health, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS and animal health in Kenya and in other low-middle-income countries (LMICs). My primary duties in this position includes but not limited to designing, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of scientific protocols with a goal of making interpretation of research findings to guide ministry of Health in public health policy decisions. Specifically, I am involved with setting up research projects through international and local collaborations, hiring, training, supervising and mentoring of research study teams, monitoring data quality, data analysis and scientific writing, including designing and monitoring budgets and research publications. I have scientific achievements including but not limited to winning a travel award from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) 2009 for an oral presentation on an abstract titled, “Mortality among Children with Moderate-to-Severe Diarrhea in western Kenya, 2008-2009”. I have further facilitated national and international workshops and conferences including chairing a number of International scientific symposiums that includes but not limited to: The Lecture # 250-Session 38 titled, “Diarrhea and Bacteriology: Rotavirus, Enteropathy and Vaccines” during the 64thASTMH held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA October 31-Nov 6, 2014, at the 65thASTMH held in Philadelphia, PA, USA October 24-29, 2015, and 71st ASTMH meeting held in Seattle, WA, USA from October 30 – November 3, 2022.

Bruno Sunguya
Organisations: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)
Project Role: Co-PI at MUHAS and researcher for WP 5 & 6
Bio: Bruno is an Associate Professor of Public Health Nutrition and the Deputy Vice Chancellor-Research and Consultancy at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. He is also a Visiting Associate Professor of Kumamoto University and St. Luke’s Universities in Japan. He has over fifteen-year experience in Public Health Nutrition, Nutrition and Food Security, nutritional related NCDs, Adolescent, Maternal and Child Health Research, and HIV/AIDS research.

Linda Beatrice Mlunde
Organisations: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)
Project Role: Researcher
Bio: Medical doctor and Public Health Specialist with expertise in quantitative and qualitative methods. I have conducted research in various areas including non-communicable and communicable diseases involving both adolescents, young people and adults.

Jackline Ngowi
Organisations: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)
Project Role: Researcher WP 5 and WP 6
Bio: Medical doctor and researcher interested in implementation science and health economics in NCDs. Also, an international Global health scholar, university of Pennsylvania.

Ouili Idrissa
Organisations: The Institut Supérieur des Sciences de la Population (ISSP)
Project Role: Researcher on Implementation science WP 6.
Bio: Dr. Ouili completed his doctoral studies in economics at the Université de Montréal (Canada) in 2015, and is an adjunct professor at « Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo de Ouagadougou » since July 2016 and also the head of the Ouagadougou Demographic Surveillance System (Population Observatory of Ouagadougou). Between 2015 and 2016, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Health and Social Policy at McGill University. His thesis focused on impact evaluation in the field of population economics, particularly in education, health (reproductive health, maternal and child health) and family planning. His research interests focus on impact assessment methods applied to a wide range of topics related to poverty, health (reproductive health, maternal and child health), education, conflict. Dr. Idrissa OUIL’s research is funded by a number of national, regional and international organizations, including the World Bank Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates, the European Union, IDRC, Unicef, Wellcome Trust, West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), etc.
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Webmaster 2024-11-08